Friday, July 17, 2009

Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD)

As I wrote in previous post, that the MPD is a new technology in the Drilling operation, many of us wonder we will run out of oil/gas in near future and with that the world will face energy crisis, but Don't you think that we have more reserves in far-far below the earth beneath, therefore as we go for it, it certainly requires great technology to deal with.

The MPD is one of the latest technology that not only reducing the cost but also the safety of the environment as well as the personnel on board during the drilling operation. As we go into the more hazard zone it is essential the safety cautious will be taken seriously for both our crews and for the environment specially in the offshore operation.

Many might wonder, what is the MPD, the MPD is actually similar with Underbalance drilling (UBD) both of them use similar tools such rotating control device (RCD) and manifold choke (valve) the only different is that the UBD aims to control the formation damage however, the MPD is to improve drillability of a well by alleviating drilling issues such as kick,lost of circulation etc that may arise during the drilling by preventing the formation damage.

It is important the energy companies should taken into serious consideration to use MPD in their drilling operation, as it has valuable advantages from the economics point of view until the safety concern.

The drilling offshore operation like in Timor Sea is one of the candidate that might use MPD in the both exploration and development stages, Petronas (Malaysian national oil company) will drill three wells in the area of JPDA in middle of August 2009, hopefully in this exploration drilling may use the MPD in their operation.

It is understood that the MPD is new technology specially in the Asia Pacific, therefore, the MPD is not that familiar yet, but in North Americas and Gulf Mexico the drilling companies use the MPD at few deep and ULTRA DEEP water and the result were fantastic, and also most well are deviated with the angle above 70 degree. therefore in my new design of MPD which will be partial of my dissertation draft in Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, major in Petroleum Engineering that will more focus in the economics point of view as it is important to find alternative cheapest way in the drilling operation, but not also to forget the safety issue both for the personnel and environment.

It is important to us as the the citizens of Timor Leste, should aware of the all new possible technologies specially in area of Petroleum Engineering, which oil and gas accounted of 80% of the country's revenue.

Therefore, let us put more resources in the area of R&D for the future drilling in our both offshore and onshore oil/gas reserves, and i have good faith we will be able to handle it and more importantly soon or later we will stand independently in term of R&D, it is just a matter of time, but as the end we will reach there.

It is a positive sign of existing new establishment of the National Petroleum Authority or Nasional Autoridade de Petroleuo (ANP) will help to start with the center of R&D in Dili or some other suitable locations in the country to gather young and enthusiastic future petroleum engineer to contribute their goal and knowledge in order to come up with common goal.